What Now

As at Dec 2023 –

Claire and Kenny are still married and living just outside Edinburgh. Kenny sold his drum kit but would still like to be in a band again one day. Claire would also like to do music again but the time hasn’t been right yet. They both think that AVO-8 was special and the feelings couldn’t be recreated now. They still see the other members of the band, except for Willy, who got married and moved away up North, and Eddie, who disappeared but is apparently still alive somewhere!

Jan, after her amicable split from guitarist/husband Stephen, had emigrated to Australia, returned to Edinburgh and now going back to Oz!. She started recording and performing gigs again with George as ‘The Big Light‘.  She also agrees with Claire that due to all of the family connections within AVO-8 starting a new band could never be as much fun.  She will however always have the memories of a brilliant few years, all the laughs and places visited and, since she still sees everyone now and again, she never has to go far for a trip down memory lane.

Stephen moved to California with his partner Karen and has two daughters.

George and Karen are still married and living in Edinburgh.  They have a 28 year old daughter called Mhairi. He still has ‘Richard’ the Rickenbacker bass and has been playing it in his recording studio and also playing in ‘The Postcards’, an 80s indie covers band. Being related to everyone(ish) means there’s no avoiding the others from time to time !

Contact email : info@avo8.co.uk